My name is Justin. I was born in Texas, the greatest country in the United States. But for a couple brief forays into some of the other states that are not Texas, I have lived my entire life here.

I write ads at agencies that specialize in advertisements. I’ve done it at The Richards Group. I’ve done it at Saatchi & Saatchi. Carmichael Lynch. GSD&M. DiMassimo Goldstein. EnviroMedia. The list goes on. Actually, come to think of it, it does not go on. That’s everywhere I have worked.

My work is often fun. For me, I mean. You'll have to be the judge of whether it's fun for you. Everyone is different, and while I'd like you to enjoy it, there's really no way for me to tell you whether or not you will. I guess all I can say is, try to enjoy it.

I'm married to a beautiful, sweet woman. We have a dog. And a little girl. And a littler boy. And one other boy that’s still a baby. Thanks to them I am a full, happy human being who knows all the words to every song in Moana.

For a more detailed work history, visit my LinkedIn. If you’d like a resume, please reach out.

Thanks for your time.

*Technically, I am an Associate Creative Director whose ads have won some awards. The only way I feel capable of noting this without feeling like a real jerkhole is by doing so in a legal-ese footnote.